
Why Choose Heat Pump Pool Heating?

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There are a range of systems you can use when choosing how to heat your swimming pool, including solar and gas. So why is heat pump pool heating the best option to take?

Solar heating relies on having availability of sun to heat the pool, and having the right provisions on your home to install the solar in the correct place. If your property is not exposed to a lot of sun, you will not have much benefit from solar heating. The other problem you will face is, depending on size of the pool, it could take up to several sunny days to warm the water, which is especially a problem in winter when you need your pool heater most. You will also need to install an additional water pump to pump the water through the solar system and back into the pool.

For gas heating, pool water is passed through a heat exchanger which is heated by gas. The gas heater needs to run the whole time the pool is being heated, and once up to temperature is controlled with a thermostat (much like a heat pump). Gas heating allows relatively quick heating of pool water can get quite costly quite quickly. It cost also be costly to install as a gas installer will need to install the gas heater.

Heat pump pool heaters are the best overall solution to heating a pool. While a gas heater might be slightly cheaper to buy, a heat pump is cheaper to install and to run, meaning you will be saving not only initially but in the long run as you heat your pool.

Talk to us today about a low cost pool heating solution for your swimming pool.

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Heat pump pool heating
Heat pump pool heater
Heat pump pool heating